CIDS Brown Bag Seminar No. 2
Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Regulatory Liberalism, Regulatory Space and the Multilateral Trading System

The last decade has seen the emergence of a third stage of international economic liberalism: neither Embedded Liberalism, nor dogmatic Neoliberalism, but what may be termed "Regulatory Liberalism". Regulatory Liberalism is more concerned with the economic and public policy effects of domestic and international regulation than with liberalization as such. In legal terms, Regulatory Liberalism is characterized by agreements with increased regulatory density and a shift from standards to detailed rules. At the same time, however, states are reclaiming economic and regulatory space through renegotiation, interpretation and imperfect compliance. What does these trends mean for the multilateral trading system in these times of economic and geopolitical flux?

TomerProf. Tomer Broude is the Bessie and Michael Greenblatt QC Chair in Public and International Law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Faculty of Law and Department of International Relations, Academic Director of the Minerva Center for Human Rights, and former Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law. He specializes in public international law and international economic law, particularly international trade and investment, human rights, dispute settlement, development and cultural diversity. He is currently working on a book project on "Behavioral Economics and International Law," to be published by Oxford University Press (co-authored with Prof. Anne van Aaken).

CIDS brings together researchers for the delivery of academic papers, occasionally followed by a discussant’s reply to the paper, in an informal, ‘brown bag’ setting. The papers will cover a variety of themes relating to international dispute settlement, with a variety of disciplinary approaches. The hope is to sustain a diversified academic community in this area and to keep debates going. Current plans are to host 2-3 brown bag seminars per year.


CIDS Brown Bag Seminar No. 2
CIDS Brown Bag Seminar No. 2
Registration Date

Registration before
Tuesday, 10 December 2019 at 12:00


Villa Barton
Room S4
Rue de Lausanne - parc Barton
1202 Geneva 
