Stability and Change in International Dispute Settlement
Friday, 28 September 2018

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On the occasion of its 10th Anniversary, the MIDS was pleased to organize an international conference which took stock of the developments and challenges facing international commercial and investment dispute settlement.

Panels, featuring the most prominent experts in the field, looked into the important role played by the New York Convention, which is celebrating its sixtieth birthday, in laying the foundations of international commercial arbitration, and creating a remarkable degree of stability in the field. They also discussed investor-state dispute settlement which, in contrast, is currently subject to calls for reform which, if pursued, will bring about fundamental changes in the structure of ISDS.

The keynote speech was delivered by Prof. Philippe Sands QC.


The conference was followed by a gala dinner that took place at the restaurant of the International Committee of the Red Cross. Prior to the dinner, all participants were invited to visit the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum

The conference was organised with the support of the Swiss National Science Foundation, the Academic Society of Geneva and the Rectorate of the University of Geneva.


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MIDS 10th Anniversary Conference
Stability and Change in International Dispute Settlement


Registration Date

Registration before
Monday, 24 September 2018 at 18:00


Maison de la Paix, Auditoire I. Pictet
Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2, 1202 Geneva
